
Death, Lies & CyanideCrime / Mystery / Non-fiction – (via Spotify) One of India’s most disturbing true crime stories. Follow the horror of why a 47-year-old mother allegedly poisoned and killed six members of her own family over 14 years. And how she managed to remain above suspicion until the police blew the cover off in 2019.


Endmyopia – For those of you who are nearsighted, check out Endmyopia.

Computer security

Password manager – Bitwarden

If You Are in India..


Ditch the mass-manufactured oils (especially seed oils) and switch to locally-sourced, traditionally-processed oils like Purico coconut oil

Oral Health

For a more natural toothpaste without fluoride, try fang toothpaste. (Promising. I am yet to come to a firm conclusion.)

For Travelers

People with Infants

When traveling frequently by car, infants are safer in a baby car seat, allowing the parent or guardian to sit more comfortably on long journeys. The R for Rabbit baby car seat is a solid option.


For frequent travellers, packing & unpacking becomes easier with a set of luggage or travel bag organiser.

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